The head of the crime organization, Eran Haya, left Israel about a year ago in favor of South Africa, which has become a well-known haven for Israeli criminals, from where he is suspected of operating an entire network of hackers who engage in digital currency fraud. And he’s not the only one.
The head of the criminal organization Eran Haya left Israel about a year ago in favor of South Africa, which has become a well-known haven for Israeli criminals, from where he is suspected of operating a whole network of hackers who engage in digital currency fraud, Shimon Ifergan published today (Friday) in “Mako”.
In fact, dozens of Israeli criminals are involved in the various crypto scams who employ, among other things, employees of former high-tech companies and hackers in order to scoop tens of millions of shekels into their pockets. Haya is the son of the known criminal Eitan Haya who is serving a prison sentence in an Israeli prison.
A police officer claims: “Eran Haya and senior criminals discovered the crypto fraud and are making a lot of money from it. They are allegedly involved in crypto stings around the world for millions of dollars every day. Abroad you cannot throw grenades and extort people because you will be arrested immediately so this crypto The safest and most profitable place to sting. These are dark worlds in which it is very difficult to locate those involved, especially when they stay in countries like Turkey and South Africa, where it is very difficult to extradite criminals from there to Israel.”
Haya is considered a trailblazer in the field, which makes it very difficult for the Israel Police to lay hands on him and arrest him. “Eran and the other criminals went to work in ‘white collar’ scams, they will never get their hands dirty. They will let others do the work for them,” explained a police official. The head of the criminal organization Yossi Mosley tried to enter the crypto worlds about six months ago. He allegedly contacted two Israeli business owners and asked to enter into a partnership with them in the field, but they refused, and as a result, a whole mess started.
One of them revealed to Lahav 433 investigators that a few days after he refused Mosley’s request, a grenade was thrown at his house. This week the investigators held a confrontation between Mosley and the businessman. He admitted Mosley didn’t exactly threaten him but he felt uncomfortable asking him to partner in the cryptocurrency space.
August 26, 2022 Published by